
What is GitMind?

GitMind is a collaborative mind mapping software for brainstorming and idea co-creation. It allows for the creation of mind maps, flowcharts, and other visualizations by multiple users in real time. It has recently incorporated AI functionality, enabling users to create mind maps using AI-generated nodes and content.

GitMind requires an account to use its mind mapping tool, and currently offers a free basic account. This account allows for the creation of up to 10 mind maps, and use of its AI functionality through tokens/credits (similar to other free-to-use AI tools such as Bing Chat or DALL-E). Basic account users are provided with 10 tokens, which cannot be regenerated without paying for more, or upgrading to a premium account.

Please note that GitMind is not Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) compliant and has not undergone a UBC Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). In the absence of a PIA, instructors should not mandate the use of a tool or service without presenting alternatives that do not necessitate the use of students’ personal information.


AI Functionality in GitMind

GitMind has a variety of AI-powered functions. These include an AI Chatbot (GitMind AI) to help with idea development, as well AI-powered mind map generation capabilities. The AI features in GitMind can create mind maps based on a prompt, similar to other generative AI tools. This prompt will generate a mind map with multiple nodes. From there, the mind map can be expanded by clicking nodes and then selecting one of the AI options, ‘Mind map’, ‘Ideas’, ‘Questions’, and ‘Image to Mind Map’:

  • ‘Mind map’ will generate content. Typically this will be in the form of broad ideas related to the prompt.
  • If ‘Ideas’ is selected on an existing node, the sub-nodes will be filled with ideas which elaborate, extend or explain the bigger ideas present in the parent-node.
  • ‘Questions’ will create sub-nodes filled with questions to guide thinking, elaborating on or adding to information on a parent-node.
  • When ‘Image to Mind Map’ is selected, GitMind will perform an optical character recognition (OCR) scan on an image. It will then create a mind map based on the scanned text in the image. Manual organization of the created mind map from images is recommended.

GitMind also provides templates which are compatible with its AI functionality. A prompt can be entered in one of these templates to create a mind map. However, visual styling and images native to the template will not be replaced based on the prompt provided to the AI.

Once creation is completed, mind maps can be exported as slides. However, these exported slides cannot be edited.

For more information, visit GitMind’s article on how to leverage AI functionality.

Please note that GitMind uses tokens for AI generated content. Different AI functions vary in cost from 1 token (using the AI Chatbot), to 10 tokens (using the Image to Mind Map function). Visit GitMind’s pricing page for more information.



The images below display how an AI generated mind map was created and expanded in GitMind. View the slides and read the notes to better understand the AI features in GitMind.

Educational Uses and Ethical Implications

Mind mapping can be a powerful teaching and learning tool in both online and face-to-face settings. While the use of AI functionality in creating these maps may help students as a guiding entity in the teaching and learning process, its use has implications for academic integrity, privacy, and ethics. Before using or designing course activities with GitMind, it is important to consider the following:

  • While the AI feature in GitMind provides information relevant to the prompt, it does not cite the information it generates.
  • GitMind does not include a watermark on AI-generated contents or mind maps that can distinguish whether they were created with the assistance of AI.
  • When students are assigned tasks that require the creation of mind maps, guidelines for the use of AI in these tasks should be explicitly outlined in the course syllabus. An example Syllabus Statement on AI can serve as a template for transparently articulating the role of AI in your course.
  • GitMind has limited free-to-use AI capability. This may hinder users’ ability to fully leverage the tool, or create issues for equitable access.


Other AI Mind Mapping Tools

GitMind is not the only mind mapping tool with an AI functionality. The following alternative mind-mapping tools are also available, with similar AI-powered features. Please note that AI functionality is not always available in free-to-use basic accounts:


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