This learning design challenge originated from a course for French immersion teachers where the instructor required a large number of practice activities to teach grammar lessons as examples as well as for practice. The activities were originally created with older versions of HTML code and needed to be reconceptualized into a more user-friendly format.
A Learning Designer and Learning Technologist from ETS collaborated to recreate these grammar-based activities into accessible and interactive digital objects with H5P. They went through multiple activities to find solutions that connected to the various texts. These activities were then embedded in Canvas along with their learning narrative to guide students.
About H5P
H5P is a free, mobile-friendly, open-source technology that enables users to create interactive content without technical expertise. Instructors using the tool for teaching and learning can integrate course content into one of over 40 interactive elements. At UBC, these interactive items are FIPPA compliant and created on a dedicated WordPress blog available for any faculty member to sign up.
H5P can be used to:
- Present text-heavy content in various interactive formats
- Embed formative tools directly into course content for immediate student feedback
- Reuse content across sections and courses
- Add interactive questions and comments to YouTube videos
Our ETS Canvas Showcase includes H5P examples of image sliders, interactive videos, slideshow presentations, dialogue cards, and drag-and-drop activities. Access the Showcase with your CWL login.
Pedagogical Pros and Cons
The use of interactive elements in online learning activities provide a unique opportunity to engage students through active learning strategies. H5P is one such platform that can foster self-directed learning via scaffolded activities that map to wider learning outcomes. Self-directed learning (SDL) is an approach that encourages learners to progressively assume personal responsibility through self-monitoring and self-management processes, thereby constructing meaningful learning outcomes (Garrison, 1997). With H5P, students are able to check their answers and receive immediate feedback for learning activities. They can also save and print their responses after completing an activity. Formative and immediate feedback enables self-reflection for students to monitor and adjust their own learning.
Due to the restrictions within H5P, some visual aspects are not flexible. The embedded frame can be fairly compact with some scrolling required. Activities provide immediate feedback in the form of right and wrong, but does not tailor the feedback to the individual by providing information on where a student might have encountered a lapse in understanding.
Garrison, D.R. (1997). Self-directed learning: Toward a comprehensive model. Adult Educ Q, 48, 18–33. doi:10.1177/074171369704800103
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